Lie #1 – I don’t fit in and I just can’t connect.
Women, I hope you can handle a little sarcasm in your day, because right now I’m feeling a little cheeky. I’ve heard SO many of you talking ridiculousness lately. Lies are popping up straight from Hell and you are inviting them to hang out for tea. I’m not making light of a serious issue…okay, maybe a little…but seriously, a little laughter may help. I want you to see the utter ABSURDITY of giving ear to deceptions from across enemy lines. Let’s talk about some of the trash flying around; have you heard some of this nasty stuff? I know I have: at church, at studies, women’s gatherings, at the park, on the phone, in emails, and in my own home (nope, I’m not off the hook either). Over the next few weeks I’m going to cover some of the hot ones I’ve heard lately and talk about what to do with them (i.e. NO more tea!) LIE #1: I don’t fit in and I just can’t connect. This one is taking women by storm lately and I don’t like it. Let me tell you something shocking…you’re trying too hard. You ARE in. You ARE connected. Don’t get all feely-schmeely about it. If you don’t “feel” like a woman does that mean you must not be a woman… wait a minute… let’s not go there. If you don’t “feel” like a human being does that mean you must not be a human being? Ridiculous! Ludicrous! Preposterous! (Web thesaurus - new favorite toy). Once you are adopted by God, you become part of the body of Christ. “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” 1 Cor. 12:27. There is no questioning whether you are what you are, you just are. In other (more understandable) words, you belong whether your feelings confirm that for you or not. One of the top rules for women everywhere: be leery of feelings, they can lead you astray. Command them to obey the word of God before you allow them to soak into your heart. Yes, I said command them, don’t allow emotions to rule over you. We walk by the Spirit so that we will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Gal. 5:16). If I lived by my feelings I would be a rip-roaring mess. Resist the urge to start down that slippery slope. Christian women, you are a vital part of the body. Don’t just take my word for it, take God’s. Read this portion of 2 Corinthians chapter 12 (then read the whole thing later), “If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,” (vv. 15, 18, 21, 22). The body parts in these verses are talking silliness (like when my hips tell me they have room for another scoop of cookie dough – they lie!). Of course the foot is part of the body and the eye needs the hands. You, my friend, may feel like a left pinky toe somedays, but you are indispensable! The deepening of relationships that you desire will come the more you hang out with the rest of the body. Being present is the most important part to play, so do that. Show up and be together. Don’t try to go your own way, you will only succeed in tripping yourself up (and everyone else you are attached to). We are in this together and isolation is the desire of the Enemy (see Prov. 18:1 and last week’s blog), don’t allow it. This lie of not fitting in is rampant, so think of this the next time you are at church in a room full of people (or any gathering of the body together). Nearly every woman you see thinks she does not fit in. You be the bold one and walk up to her and help her feel a connection. Even if all you do is ask how her week went and ask how you can pray for her for the week ahead. Boom! The schemes of the enemy are demolished, annihilated, and defeated (lovin’ that thesaurus)! In that simple step you are serving as part of the body and telling that other woman that she is an important part too. Sweet connection! We will talk more on ways to connect, so keep reading each week. Until then, understand that if there is a lie lurking nearby, don’t give it any space to grow. If it smells like smoke you know where it came from, snuff it out. Treat it like you would a poisonous spider trying to get cuddly with you. Do some serious Bible thumping on that thing, push back the darkness with God’s word. Remember, you “fit in” because you are part of the body already; God has ordained this joining of his people, it is not a choice or a feeling. The more time you spend with the body the deeper and stronger the connections will be. Stand on biblical truth and leave no room for ugly lies. Say buh-bye and tell them tea time is over. Comments are closed.
October 2018