Yep. It’s true. The phase I thought would NEVER end is finally over. I no longer have to peel my son’s little fingers from my arms and hand him kicking and screaming to the poor baby-sitter. I no longer have to try to hold in the tears as I walk away listening to him scream for me. Matter of fact…I can hardly get him to answer his phone…let alone visit. He will occasionally reply to a text message. So, I think I can confidently say he has this separation thing beat! Moms, I want to give you a good dose of encouragement today, especially those of you going through a tough time. I am still raising a couple great boys, but I have launched one already (no, he didn’t land too far away). Raising my firstborn was not an easy task (really, the firstborn is just a lot of trial and error…lots of error). However, the experience has given me a good sense of orientation on the brevity of our position. In English, I’ve been there, done that and it goes fast. Now it may not feel fast for you, especially if you are in a difficult period of parenting (dealing with colic, potty training, bullying, teenage rebelliousness). As moms we can easily become consumed with the struggles we are going through with our children. It affects every area of our lives and weighs on our hearts. I sometimes wish I could go back and give my younger self a hug and tell me that everything will be okay. Ever feel that way? Well today, I have something even BETTER for you. I have words written to you (yes, you) from God. The very God who designed you and your child plus knows your situation and every situation coming up (yes, there will be more). His words are better than any I could ever think up - words that will lift up your chin to stare Hope in the face. Now, understand that the Bible is chock full of encouragement for anyone going through a difficult time. Today, I have chosen just a few for you to hold onto. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear, what can man do to me?” – Hebrews 13: 5b-6. This is one of my go-to scriptures for ALL of life. God’s promise of his presence is everything to me. If God is with me nothing can knock me down (Rom. 8:31). Check the Bible out and see the numerous times God kills fear and doubt by promising his presence (Great Commission ring a bell? Matt. 28:20). I often feel all on my own when I am struggling, this verse reminds me that not only is God with me, he is my help! Excuse me? The Master of the Universe is the one who comes to my aid when I am in need? That is some of the best news of my lifetime, seriously. You could also easily switch out your current situation with the word “man” in this verse. “I will not fear, what can (sickness, tantrums, disabilities, a grumpy teen) do to me?” What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. – James 4:14b. I LOVE this verse, especially during hard times. Why? Because it is a sharp reminder that this life is fleeting. Keep yourself straight on your priorities. What we do here matters and carries great weight into eternity (i.e. – you must know Jesus and serve him!) but don’t get bogged down with each passing phase. It is the biblical way of saying, “This too shall pass (really, really fast)!” No, that is not an actual verse from the Bible. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. - 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18. I saved one of the best for last. Take it from Paul, who knows what suffering is. If he can call his physical beatings light and momentary you can certainly claim the same for your sleepless nights with a chronically sick baby. Look to the eternal, trust that God is using what is painful and causing suffering in your life for good. No, you don’t understand it all and you can’t see the beauty yet – but that is great exercise for your faith! A trust-building, high intensity workout! The glory is coming, keep sweating. Make sure God is who you cling to whenever you are struggling, whether with children or something else. His words alone contain power and hope, not tips from friends, the internet, or me. I dare you to grab a Bible and test this out. And hey, Ladies…if you see Wyatt out there please remind him to call his mom once in a while. That would be great, thanks! Comments are closed.
October 2018